Date: 21/12/2020
The yoga and mindfulness teacher Leisa Mererid, has created a series of daily videos for primary children that will assist to support their wellbeing and mental health.
There will be a daily pattern to the programme that will follow the order of the days of the week:
- Dydd Llun Llesol - Beneficial Monday
- Dydd Mawrth Mynegi - Expressful Tuesday
- Dydd Mercher Meddylgarwch - Mindfulness Wednesday
- Dydd Iau Ioga - Yoga Thursday
- Dydd Gwener Gorffwys - Resting Friday
Every morning on the AM Cymru channel between 4 January 2021 and 26 February 2021. Join the channel here:
Leisa has prepared a textbook to accompany the videos to support teachers and teaching assistants to guide the classes through the practices; they were created with the sponsorship from the Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Service.
Hunaniaith (Menter Iaith Gwynedd) is the organiser. Contact Hunaniaith on to receive a copy of the textbook or for more information.